Thursday, January 10, 2013

Understanding My Shy Guy's Cons

I've always thought of myself as practical and as a realist, so before it looks like i'm completely gaga over my guy, here are a few things that I have to deal with.

My shy guy tells little white lies. 
He doesn’t know that I know this yet, but I’ve caught his embellishments a few times before. He works security and he once told me a story about a man with a gun being tackled by police where he works. Later it slipped out that there had been no gun and that the police knew how to handle the guy quite well. Another time it started raining as we were walking back to his car and I had an umbrella and he didn't. I asked him jokingly where his went and he said that he really didn't know - "musta left it at home." I opened the passenger door to his car and it was sitting there on the seat. He got all embarrassed. GOOD.

Yes, I'm glad that I caught him, but I also understand why he embellishes his life nowadays. As far as I know, in his twenty-two years of existence, only the last two or so have been unadventurous. Seriously, he grew up on an island without electricity, home-schooled by his mother, took vacations surfing in Australia every year, and got to sail around the Caribbean for years at a time. Now he has to be grown up, have a job, and plays videogames for fun. If it had to change my life that much, I might embellish a bit too... plus, you know that a guy likes you when he wants you to think more of him than what his life currently has to offer. 

Yeah, it irks me sometimes, and once I get to know him better, we'll talk about it, but thus far, I'll just continue to deal with it.

Shy guys can get awkward, making taking the lead mandatory. 
Some of you probably think that it's just laziness on his part for not arranging meeting places and restaurants to woo me with. Part of the problem is that we live in different cities and he tends to come and see me more than I go to see him (mainly because he has a car.) I know my city better than he does, so why not take the lead on places to go? He doesn't know if a place will horrible, and he wants a good experience as much as I do. 

As for the physical side of this con, I had to read his body language so well to take the lead in a kiss. He looked like a scared puppy dog, but I knew what he wanted because he looked like it at the end of two dates straight. Note that he didn't even get this look until the seventh date. Yeah, a little awkward, but it's nothing that a woman can't handle.

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